Dr Maturam Santosham from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health USA, and co-chairman of the ROTA Council has written in The Hindu on the need to turn the corner on child health (31/7/14). However his prescription appears seriously flawed. He writes impassionedly in favor of introducing th...
Many of our efforts will not put money in our pocket tomorrow. We should be taking actions today that will lead to more sales in the upcoming days, months, and even years. 75. When you are presenting, keep people engaged and active throughout. Ask them lots of questions and watch for ...
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.Gold, Joshua Robert.“Jacob Taubes:‘Apocalypse from Below.’”Telos134 (2006): 140–156.Habermas, Jürgen.“Verrufener Fortschritt–verkanntes Jahrhundert. Zur Kritik an der Geschicht-sphilosophie.”Merkur14 (1960): 468–477.Habermas, Jürgen.The ...