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Acting on the urgent advice of his mother, Jacob fled to Haran to stay with his Uncle Laban until Esau got over his anger. 雅各在母亲急迫地催促下,逃到哈兰去与他的母舅拉班同住,直至以扫息怒为止。 www.chinesetodays.org 7. 'But you were always a good man of business, Jacob, 'said Scroo...
jacob是什么意思、jacob怎么读 读音:英['dʒeikəb] 美[ˈdʒeɪkəb] jacob 基本解释 n. [圣经]雅各(以色列人的祖先);雅各布(男子名) 词组短语 1、jacobsartorius雅各布·萨多利斯(人名) 2、Arthur Jacob Arshawsky [网络] 亚瑟·雅各布·阿什斯基斯基 ...
Vousten Jeans is de compleetste Jacob Cohën jeans webshop voor heren en dames. De #1 specialist in Jacob Cohën ✓ Snelle levering wereldwijd.
Jacob & Co. is driven by creativity and inspired by the impossible. Since his earliest beginnings in watches and jewelry, Founder Jacob Arabo has designed the industries most iconic and innovative products. Today, Jacob Co. reflects ...
The breadth of Jacob & Co.'s timepiece offering shows the brand's passionate need to produce amazing pieces that the world has never seen before.
王赛达Jacob,时尚博主 微博原创视频博主。王赛达Jacob的微博主页、个人资料、相册,浙江大学,浙江大学。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。
JACOB & CO.的独特艺术风格和卓越质量在此彰显,每一款腕表的璀璨光芒与精巧设计在此完美呈现。诚挚邀请各界莅临 JACOB & CO.澳门威尼斯人专门店,于典雅迷人的环境中近距离领略品牌以创新颠覆传统的匠心设计,共赴一场无与伦比的奢华腕表盛宴!店内陈列多款品牌标志性的创意复杂功能腕表。亲临的顾客便能近距离欣赏...
jacob- 英文单词免费编辑修改义项名 所属类别 : 词汇 n. 雅各布(男子名) 基本信息 英 ['dʒeikəb] 目录 1网络词典 2网络释义 折叠编辑本段网络词典 折叠n n 雅各羊(一种古老的绵羊,毛被具深棕色斑块,长双角或四角). 折叠编辑本段网络释义 ...