1月1日,海外美妆博主Jaclyn Hill创立的同名美妆品牌Jaclyn Cosmetics被爆关停,成为2024年首个宣告关停的美妆品牌。其创始人Jaclyn Hill在INS上表示,aclyn Cosmetics一直是人生中重要的一章,将永远珍惜它,但也已经准备好结束了。 3月,天猫高丝化妆品官方旗舰店挂出闭店公告,称将于2024年4月19日结束运营,在此之前...
同时,她做了一个 回来YouTube,在那里她谈到了 Jaclyn Cosmetics 出现的所有问题。 她还谈到了她的心理健康以及整个情况对她的影响。 从那以后,她慢慢恢复了粉丝的信任,重新开始上传内容。 Jaclyn 和她的美容公司现在看起来好多了。 关于Jaclyn Hill 的有趣事实...
Used my lipsticks or the first time today and it crumbled. 🥺@Jaclynhill@jaclyncosmetics#SoUpsetpic.twitter.com/CD2UZBHkjA — Kaitlynnnnnnnnnnn (@KBuzinkai)June 7, 2019 收到品質有問題的唇膏不止一兩位網友,Twitter上開始瘋傳唇膏受損壞的照片:毛髮、凹凸不平、有洞、已損壞、硬塊等,的確非常嚇人...
OG YouTube star and beauty entrepreneurJaclyn Hillhas come under fire for her newly released “mouldy” looking lipsticks.Jaclyn Cosmeticswas launched May 30 with a collection of nude lipsticks, but much to fans’ dismay, upon delivery, the lipsticks appeared to be out of date, crumbly, an...
Jaclyn Hill Is Finally Ready to Re-Launch Her Beauty Brand Months After Her Lipstick Scandal YouTube starJaclyn Hillis ready to make her comeback. The 29-year-old star has revamped and rebooted her eponymous makeup brand, Jaclyn Cosmetics. "The future is bright," the...
Beauty YouTuber Jaclyn Hill recently launched a line of lipsticks under the name Jaclyn Cosmetics. Angry customers are sharing photos of the lipsticks, which have hairs, bumps, and other mysterious deformities in them. Another day, another beauty guru scandal. What’s going on now, you ask?
In her latest video, titled "My Lipsticks," Jaclyn Hill starts off by clearing up the rumors that her lipsticks are expired or unsafe.
Jaclyn Hill x Morphe Palette ✔视频中的妆容面部:By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra-Primer Benefit the Porefessional By Terry Terrybly Densiliss Foundation // Desert BeigeKKW Beauty Contour Stick // Medium Maybelline Fit Me Concealer /// Light Maybelline Fit Me Concealer // SandIt Cosmetics Bye Bye ...
在Manila,Philippines 購買 JACLYN HILL PALETTE. Authentic JACLYN HILL MORPHE PALETTE * some pans used 4x max * some pans untouched * with box, plastic film and bubble wrap all intact #freedelivery to MM 私訊購買!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-FV8mUkaDY原视频标题:Testing Out The Jaclyn Hill Morphe Volume 2 Palette, 视频播放量 194、弹幕量 1、点赞数 6、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 2、转发人数 0, 视频作者 洝博不在这里, 作者简介 日常刷屏,视频来源均为YouTube,不定期更