Submit Corrections album:"Cut The Crap"(1997) Dumb Ass Country Boy Locked & Loaded Open Up Misery Loves Company Let's Don't Go There Cut The Crap Twice As Ugly God Strike Me Dead Thanks For The Grammy Speak Of The Devil Push Pull...
I never meant to be the bearer of bad news Out of the mouths of babes comes the truth I lose Speak of the devil, look what I have done Look what I have done[x3] Submit Corrections album:"Cut The Crap"(1997) Dumb Ass Country Boy ...
‘Cut the Crap’ was released in 1997 and benefited from two industry heavyweights overseeing its recording: producer Mike Fraser (AC/DC, Metallica) and mixer Kevin Shirley (silverchair, Aerosmith). This album spawned the rock radio hit “Locked and Loaded,” which included guest vocals by AC...
Jackyl "Cut The Crap": I love the sound of silence The beautiful sound of silence 'Cause it gives me something else to brea...
AZLyrics J Jackyl Lyrics album: "Cut The Crap" (1997) Dumb Ass Country Boy Locked & Loaded Open Up Misery Loves Company Let's Don't Go There Cut The Crap Twice As Ugly God Strike Me Dead Thanks For The Grammy Speak Of The Devil Push Pull ...
Jackyl "Open Up": I'm sitting stoned all alone in a room full of friends 'Cause it lifts the world off me Black light...