What is the crime rate in Jacksonville Florida? In compiled data reported during 2022, there were 12,071 violent crimes that occurred, making the crime fee 12.43 violent offenses occurring per 1,000 residents; that very same 12 months, 50,082 property crimes have been reported, which puts the...
Whether you are pros-ecuted by the state or federal government, prosecutors are now seeking major prison terms to carry out the political message of the war on drugs. If you are charged with a drug related crime in Jacksonville, Orange Park, Gainesville, or surrounding areas of North Florida...
The blame needs to be placed on the State Attorney's Office, since they don't prosecute criminals and then release them from jail with only a slap on the wrist.U.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union
If you have real estate questions or interested inbuyingorsellinga home in Northeast Florida, please contact me at (904) 307-8998 or emailwilliamvasana@kw.com. As a local area expert in Jacksonville Florida, I offer the highest level of professional services, luxury condo savvy, extensive resid...
What Works Best at Violent Crime Hot Spots? A Test of Directed Patrol and Problem-Solving Approaches in Jacksonville, Florida.Police interventions focused on "hot spots"-small geographic places or areas where crime is concentrated-have gained widespread acceptance as an effective a...
Crenshaw and the Mayor Met Last WeekU.S. Rep. Ander Crenshaw's staff met with top officials in Mayor John Peyton's office last week to talk about help the federal government might be able give the city to help combat the crime problem.U.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union...
Estimating the impact of changes in a monetized crime index on property values: Evidence from the Jacksonville, Florida housing marketLynch, Allen Kenneth
Savannah, Ga., Lawyer Fined for Aiding, Abetting Broker in Crime.(Originated from The Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville)BarkerBenfield, Simon
A Jacksonville man was sentenced Thursday in Orlando to two years in federal prison for his role in a fraud scheme that netted millions in faulty tax returns.U.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union
Mayor John Peyton's anti-crime initiative, The Jacksonville Journey, continued with meetings last week. To see daily stories about the initiative, visit www.jacksonville.com. Here's some of the news from last week, plus scheduled meetings for this weekU.S. Newspapers...