United Women in Faith (formerly UMW) Our church has a very active group of women who meet on the first Thursday each month from September - June for fellowship, support and community outreach. All women of Jacksonville Community Church are welcome to join us and participate in our various act...
Define Jacksonville. Jacksonville synonyms, Jacksonville pronunciation, Jacksonville translation, English dictionary definition of Jacksonville. A city of northeast Florida near the mouth of the Saint Johns River. It was settled in the late 1700s on the
First United Methodist Church1.77公里 First Baptist Church1.44公里 Marshall Road Baptist Church1.74公里 Landmark Baptist Church1.37公里 First Presbyterian Church1.94公里 Jacksonville First Church of the Nazarene (JaxNaz)1.64公里 Excell Park2.99公里 ...
First United Methodist Church1.67公里 First Baptist Church1.36公里 Bible Baptist Church1.74公里 Dupree Park3.28公里 Marshall Road Baptist Church1.59公里 First Presbyterian Church1.8公里 Excell Park2.97公里 Bethel Baptist Church1.71公里 SunRays1.83公里 Jacksonville First Church of the Nazarene (JaxNaz)1.75公...
Ed was born April 8, 1946, to Herman G. and Sallie B. (Burgamy) Snider. He was a faithful member of First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville. For 27 years, Mr. Snider was the President and CEO of Myco Plastics Inc. He was an avid Harley Davidson rider and enjoyed being a priv...
Ministry of Mandarin United Methodist Church (MUMC) that provides additional family programs and services including Sunday church services, Upward Sports, Vacation Bible School, Summer Camps, Preschool/Elementary/Youth ministries, and much MORE!
Hatcher Avenue Baptist Church570 米 AmFirst Stadium2.16公里 Workout Anytime Jacksonville Alabama1.1公里 Jacksonville Public Library1.57公里 Henry Farms Walking and Excercise Trail1.9公里 Jacksonville Public Square1.44公里 Golden Eagle Stadium1.69公里 First United Methodist Church1.62公里 Germania Springs Park5....
First United Methodist Church6.85公里 Leone Cole Auditorium6.4公里 First Baptist Church7.06公里 Henry Farms Walking and Excercise Trail7.77公里 查看过的酒店仍未找到合适的酒店? 查看更多卡尔霍恩县的酒店 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾经展示...
Hope Lutheran Church734 米 Landmark Baptist Church1.19公里 Splash Zone Water Park877 米 First United Methodist Church1.51公里 Dupree Park3.07公里 Marshall Road Baptist Church1.38公里 Bible Baptist Church1.95公里 First Presbyterian Church1.59公里