Jackson, MS Our Service Areas Contact Information Phone:(601) 982-2277 Email:info@christiansittersinc.com Office Address (By Appointment):4808 N State St. Suite C, Jackson, MS 39206 Mailing Address:PO Box 9955, Jackson, MS 39286 Business Hours:Phone Answered 24/7 ...
3771 Eastwood Dr Jackson, MS 39211 +1 (601) 432-8000 http://ms-hin.net Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services is a government agency based in Jackson, MS, dedicated to providing technology solutions and support for various state departments and agencies. With a focus...
-If you have trouble voting, call the election hotline (1-800-829-6786), voter ID line (1-844-678-6837), attorney general's office (601-359-3680) or the Mississippi Protection & Advocacy Office (1-800-772-4057) Source: Y'all Vote, Secretary of StateMore...
Jackson Will Go Without Running Water Indefinitely: MS Guv‘DO NOT DRINK THE WATER’ AJ McDougall,Martha Mercer Jackson’s precarious water system has been a way of life for decades. Many residents like Roberson who were born and raised in the city can’t remember ever having clean, consist...