每年,数百万计的JAX®Mice从The Jackson Laboratory传播到各国研究者手中,对生物医学研究多种领域的发展起着巨大作用。 此外,The Jackson Laboratory每年都增加上百种新的关于癌症,糖尿病,肥胖症,心血管疾病,神经退行性疾病以及免疫功能失调等研究用途的小鼠品系,这些新品系来自世界各地的研究者,包括The Jackson Labora...
独立非营利生物医学研究组织Jackson Laboratory (JAX) 与生物技术创新者AbTherx宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同开发和将尖端工具商业化,以加快抗体发现并消除重要新疗法开发的风险。 此次合作将包括联合开发活动,并利用 JAX 在模型研究方面的丰富...
We are not affiliated with The Jackson Laboratory that specializes in mice. Specific Application Questions 1. Western blot How can I avoid detection of the heavy chain of an immunoprecipitating (IP) antibody? Jackson ImmunoResearch provides anti-IgG, light chain specific antibodies to avoid ...
The Jackson Laboratory is a nonprofit biomedical research institution that conducts research on genomic solutions for diseases across various medical fields. The institution offers services including genetically-specialized mice, preclinical research services, and custom model generation. It also provides educat...
The Jackson Laboratory被实验动物管理评估认证联合会(AAALAC)认证,其宗旨是通过自身的小鼠遗传学研究为其它研究单位提供资源和教育来共同提高人类的生命质量。1. 全世界品系最丰富的小鼠资源库 作为全球小鼠模型资源中心,至2009年,The Jackson Laboratory拥有4000多个品系的实验小鼠JAX®Mice。其中绝大...
The mice allow researchers to precisely map disease initiation, progression and biochemical characteristics, as well as to identify the effects of background genetics and investigate the possible impacts of different sub-types of Alzheimer's disease. The data obtained inc...
Genetically defined mice are a cornerstone of cancer research. The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) offers more than 13,500 unique mouse lines to the scientific community, many useful in advancing cancer research. Available are mouse models for specific cancers, xenograft recipients, immunodeficient platforms ...
mice are treated poorly. Some rooms you have to wear air hats which are very uncomfortable. Expect to be micromanaged and no thanks for anything you do. Their pets can do whatever they want to do and they will make you pick up their work.They will give you bad reviews which will give...
Paigen, Kenneth.The Jackson Laboratory.New York. Newcomen Society of the United States. 1999. [University of Maine, Raymond H. Fogler Library] Rader, Karen A.Making Mice: C.C. Little, the Jackson Laboratory, and the Standardization of Mus Musculus for Research.1995. (Thesis (Ph. D.)–Ind...
Scrambler, Fidget, Stargazer, and other mouse strains that mimic human neurological diseases, may have to move over. They are about to get plenty of company in their home in Bar Harbor, Maine. The Jackson Laboratory is planning to use its largest grant e