A 51-year-old man and almost three dozen cows were struck and killed by lightning in Northern Colorado on Saturday afternoon, the Jackson County Sheriff's Office said on Sunday. The Jackson County Coroner's Officeidentified the man as Mike Morganand said 34 of his cows were also kil...
Free Essay: Michael’s Jackson death was tragic as he was given overdose drugs that would help him sleep. According to research, Los Angeles County,...
- Total fatalities: 10.3 deaths per billion miles traveled (3.0 less than the national average) - Urban fatalities: 7.5 deaths per billion miles traveled (3.3 less than the national average) - Rural fatalities: 11.5 deaths per billion miles traveled (6.7 less than the national average) You may...
- Total fatalities: 10.3 deaths per billion miles traveled (3.0 less than the national average) - Urban fatalities: 7.5 deaths per billion miles traveled (3.3 less than the national average) - Rural fatalities: 11.5 deaths per billion miles traveled (6.7 less than the national average) You may...
Jackson County's Chief Medical Examiner describes among the worst things she has seen during her career—the 700% increase in fentanyl-related deaths in the county between 2018 and 2022. Get The Facts About Fentanyl "If you can see it, it can kill you." Get the facts about this dangerous...