Jackie Yi-Ru Ying, Ph.D. was born in Taipei, and raised in Singapore and New York, and graduated with B.E.summa cum laudein Chemical Engineering from The Cooper Union in 1987. As an AT&T Bell Laboratories Ph.D. Scholar at Princeton University, she began research in materials chemistry,...
Jackie Yi-Ru Ying has been named as one of 100 young people in the world expected to be leading 21st century innovators. At thirtyfour, she became the youngest professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has the honour of heading the newly-established Institute of Bioengineering...
区县:察哈尔右翼中旗 ChaHaErYouYiZhongQi 区县:察哈尔右翼后旗 ChaHaErYouYiHouQi 区县:四子王旗 SiZiWangQi 区县:丰镇市 FengZhenShi 市:兴安盟 XingAnMeng 区县:乌兰浩特市 WuLanHaoTeShi 区县:阿尔山市 AErShanShi 区县:科尔沁右翼前旗 KeErQinYouYiQianQi 区县:科尔沁右翼中旗 KeErQinYouYiZhongQi 区县:扎赉特旗 Z...
区县:察哈尔右翼中旗 ChaHaErYouYiZhongQi 区县:察哈尔右翼后旗 ChaHaErYouYiHouQi 区县:四子王旗 SiZiWangQi 区县:丰镇市 FengZhenShi 市:兴安盟 XingAnMeng 区县:乌兰浩特市 WuLanHaoTeShi 区县:阿尔山市 AErShanShi 区县:科尔沁右翼前旗 KeErQinYouYiQianQi 区县:科尔沁右翼中旗 KeErQinYouYiZhongQi 区县:扎赉特旗 Z...
guan1 xin1 yi4 dian3, zai4 hu1 yi4 dian3 Concern a little bit, care a little bit. 铁定能办得到呀 tie3 ding4 neng2 ban4 de2 dao4 ya5 Surely (you) can get it. 如果说人有十二种不同 ru2 guo3 shuo1 ren2 you3 shi...