Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample OpModes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack). Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample OpModes. Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at gre...
Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample op modes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack). Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample op modes. Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at ...
Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample op modes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack). Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample op modes. Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at...
Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample OpModes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack). Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample OpModes. Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at gre...
Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample op modes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack). Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample op modes. Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at...
Includes TensorFlow inference model and sample op modes to detect Ultimate Goal Starter Stacks (four rings vs single ring stack). Includes Vuforia Ultimate Goal vision targets and sample op modes. Introduces a digital zoom feature for TensorFlow object detection (to detect objects more accurately at...