I remember being in Disneyland (Paris) waiting for somebody and I was just standing on a path dreaming a bit when suddenly Jack Sparrow (well an employee dressed like him) was suddenly standing before me... That scared the crap outta me. Well, he could see the humor behind it... ;)...
Accipiter nisus, northern sparrow hawk (Mohr, 1960) Buteo platypterus, broad-winged hawk (Mueller, 1970, inImmelmann, 1972) Aquila chrysaetos, golden eagle (Hamerstrom, 1970, inImmelmann, 1972, Burder, 1972, inGrier, 1984) Falconidae
Joe joined him in looking out, and saw a fledgeling sparrow on the grass, tumbling ridiculously about in its efforts to stand on its feeble baby legs. It had fallen from the nest in the rose-bush that climbed over the window, and the two parent sparrows were wild with anxiety over its...
This year, Melbourne has lost to the five teams in the competition that have a superior percentage and, of the teams above it on the ladder, it has yet to play against St Kilda. The Saints are coming soon but in the meantime, the Demons face a major challenge in the big eight point ...
Jack Sparrow was a legendary pirate of the Seven Seas and the irreverent trickster of the Caribbean. A captain of equally dubious morality and sobriety, a master of self-promotion and self-interest, he fought a constant and losing battle with his own bes