We have 30 years of dog breeding experience selling Jack Russell Terrier puppies across the United States. Learn more about our adorable Jack Russell puppies.
Are you considering an Irish Jack Russell? Imported jacks are the best dog breeders offering terrier dogs with lifetime health & temperament guarantee.
The JRTCA is very much a community. Never before have I met the quality of people and the people that are so dedicated to their dogs. About the JRTCA Membership Benefits Why Support Us? Join JRTCA National Terrier Trial The largest gathering of Jack Russell Terriers in the world. You don'...
Flatland Jack Russells breeds the Short Jack Russell Terrier also known as the Russell Terrier or Shortie Jack. We have been breeding these little dogs for many years. We breed for conformation of the Short Jack Russell Terrier.We also breed for good temperament and overall happy puppies. Jack...
Dogs, Jack russell, Pooch image. Free for use. 1 comment The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments DogsJack RussellPoochWoofPuppyCool DogBelgian Shepherd MalinoisCutePetLoyaltySittingFunnyAnimalDogeCanineMammalDomesticatedFurry ...
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) is the largest Jack Russell Terrier club and registry in the world. Our site includes breeder and puppy listings, trial schedule, picture galleries, advice articles, rescue links, breed standard, events (
Dogs Similar to the Jackabee If you’re interested in a Jackabee, Beagle, or Russell Terrier, then you might consider these closely related hounds or terriers. Here’s some information about them: American Foxhound –Intelligent, independent-minded, easy-going, and very affectionate, the America...
Celtic River Jack Russell Terriers is a breeder of Jack Russell Terriers, with top JRTCA registered breeding stock. Quality puppies for sale in Florida!
The resultant dog, Jack Russell Terrier (not to be confused with Russell Terrier) were high stamina, confident dogs with high prey drive. These dogs are now used as family dogs who do well with children. Their relatively small size makes them best for apartment living. Any family in the US...
Jack Russell Terrier The Jack Russell Terrier is part of the Terrier dog breed. A breed that originated in England for fox hunting. These small dogs typically have a white coat featuring brown patches. Their coat can be either smooth or rough. ...