Jack of al... noun Words related to Jack of all trades nouna person able to do a variety of different jobs acceptably well Related Words adult grownup nouna man skilled in various odd jobs and other small tasks Synonyms handyman
The meaning of JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES is a person who can do passable work at various tasks : a handy versatile person.
Define jack of all trades. jack of all trades synonyms, jack of all trades pronunciation, jack of all trades translation, English dictionary definition of jack of all trades. or n , pl jacks of all trades a person who undertakes many different kinds of w
Define jack-of-all-trades. jack-of-all-trades synonyms, jack-of-all-trades pronunciation, jack-of-all-trades translation, English dictionary definition of jack-of-all-trades. n. pl. jacks-of-all-trades A person who can do many different kinds of work. Am
jack of all trades, jack-of-all-trades, jack of all trades, master of none, jack-of-all-trades, master of noneninformal, pejorative(shallow skill in many things)SCSimplified Chinese杂而不精 jack s***nvulgar, offensive!, informal(nothing)SCSimplified Chinese什么也没有shén me yě méi yǒ...
Jack of all trades jack off jack pine jack plane Jack Roosevelt Robinson jack salmon jack up Jack William Nicklaus jackal jack-a-lantern jackanapes jackass jackass bat jackass penguin jackboot jack-by-the-hedge jackdaw jacket jacket crown jacket potato jackfruit jackfruit tree jackhammer Jackie ...
The meaning of JACK is a game played with a set of small objects that are tossed, caught, and moved in various figures. How to use jack in a sentence.
I’m all right, Jack (British English, informal) used by or about somebody who is happy with their own life and does not care about other people’s problems a jack of all trades a person who can do many different types of work, but who perhaps does not do them very well...
All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. jack-o'-lantern - a pale light sometimes seen at night over marshy ground friar's lantern, ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp light, visible light, visible radiation - (physics) electromagnetic ...
Define jackpot. jackpot synonyms, jackpot pronunciation, jackpot translation, English dictionary definition of jackpot. n. 1. a. The accumulated stakes in a kind of poker that requires one to hold a pair of jacks or better in order to open the betting. b