Jack of al... noun Words related to Jack of all trades nouna person able to do a variety of different jobs acceptably well Related Words adult grownup nouna man skilled in various odd jobs and other small tasks Synonyms handyman
jack of all trades A versatile person. “Jack” was commonly used as a synonym for “man,” as in “every man jack,” and the phrase was used in a highly complimentary way. But the addition of “and master of none” changed the expression to mean a dabbler or dilettante, which wasn...
3. The Druid of World of Warcraft was designed as a `Jack of All Trades` type of character – yet master of none. 魔兽世界中的德鲁伊被设计成万事通类型的角色,补充一下,博而不精。 4. jack的翻译 4. Somewhat of a jack of all trades, master of none. ...
"Jack of all trades" describes someone who is skilled in many areas but not particularly expert in any one of them. Other Idiomatic Uses: "I'm all right, jack" is a casual way of saying "I'm okay" or "I'm fine." "Jack at a pinch" refers to someone or something that is useful...
A jack is usually represented by a picture of a young man. 3. see also: jack-of-all-trades;Union Jack 相关词组:jack injack up jack英英释义 noun 1. male donkey Synonym: jackass 2. any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas 3. tool for exerting ...
3. see also: jack-of-all-trades;Union Jack 相关词组:jack injack up jack英英释义 noun 1.male donkey Synonym: jackass 2.any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas 3.tool for exerting pressure or lifting ...
Jack of all trades jack off jack pine jack plane Jack Roosevelt Robinson jack salmon jack up Jack William Nicklaus jackal jack-a-lantern jackanapes jackass jackass bat jackass penguin jackboot jack-by-the-hedge jackdaw jacket jacket crown jacket potato jackfruit jackfruit tree jackhammer ▼ Full...
Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to jack plane:smoothing plane Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> plane woodworking p... carpenter's p... jack plane noun Words related to jack plane nouna carpenter's plane for rough finishing ...
Related to Jack of All Trades Season 2:Jack of All Trades Season 1 </>embed</> service man repairman maintenance man odd-job man handyman a man skilled... grownup adult a person able... Jack of al... noun Words related to Jack of all trades ...
Jack of all trades (redirected fromjack-of-all-trades) Dictionary Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> service man repairman maintenance man odd-job man