Will you help reunite Jack N’ Jill 140 levels and a bunch of minigames. Once upon a time, Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. It didn’t particularly end well for them, and to be honest, things aren’t exactly great for another Ja
Will you help reunite Jack N’ Jill 140 levels and a bunch of minigames.brOnce upon a time, Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. It didn’t particularly end well for them, and to be honest, things aren’t exactly great for another J
und um ehrlich zu sein, läuft es auch nicht gerade gut für andere Jacks und Jills. In Jack N' Jill DX müssen die Spieler die Rolle des Jack übernehmen und viele Gefahren überwinden, um Jill zu erreichen, die ihn am Ende von 140 Levels erwartet – im typischen Ein-Knopf-Modus ...
Jack N' Jill DX Slide 1 of 8 Next upNext up: Next upNext up: Nintendo Switch This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Will you help reunite Jack N’ Jill? 140 levels and a bunch of minigames! Once upon a time, Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fet...
Jack N' Jill provides a lot of fun and challenges. It is the perfect run and jump game for anyone to pick up and play on a touch screen device. So, if you are an old school gamer or have been playing games since the days of the classic gameboy, the retro chiptune music and the ...
Description Once upon a time, Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. It didn’t particularly end well for them, and to be honest, things aren’t exactly great for another Jack and Jill either. In Jack N’ Jill DX, players must assume the role of Jack, overcom...
高速下载地址 Android版 Jack N(杰克和吉尔游戏) v1.1.44 安卓版 电脑本地下载 电脑本地下载 南方电信下载 北方联通下载 湖北电信下载 江苏电信下载 广东电信下载 浙江电信下载 包名:rnarang.android.games.jacknjill MD5值:b1030a8aed2d3843d0ac28234ec9dedf...
『Jack N' Jill DX』是一款可爱又魅力十足的复古平台游戏。操控Jack连跑带跳克服障碍和敌人,协助他找到Jill。有趣又富有挑战性的『Jack N' Jill DX』带来140多道分布在七个不同世界的关卡,是老少咸宜的完美跑跳游戏。 当你又跑又跳赶着拯救好友时,背景播放的芯片音乐会让你彷佛回到电玩的黄金时期。但游戏的复...
Jack N' Jill 3D评分及评论 3.8(满分 5 分) 12 个评分 Bernardo Espanol,2017/10/16 Love This is a must play game. I loved the original and adore this one. Besh27,2020/05/03 It’s alright Not as good as the original and contains ads after every level. Deleted. ...
Jack N' Jill is a cute and charming one button retro platformer. Control Jack or Jill and perform manoeuvres like jumps and wall jumps to get past obstacles and…