Jack N’Jill杰克洁儿品牌名来源于一个古老而又有趣的英国启蒙童谣Jack and Jill。1949年创立于澳大利亚的墨尔本,是上个世纪50-70年代出生的澳洲宝宝优选的儿童牙膏品牌,风靡全球40个国家。 从天然、低过敏、有机成分的天然婴幼儿牙膏开始,到牙刷、漱口杯系列,Jack N’Jill杰克洁儿都是使用天然安全的成分、环保材质...
品牌名称:杰克洁儿 经营类型:加盟, 经销, 代理 品牌分类:用品, 婴童洗护, 婴儿洗护, 儿童洗护, 护肤用品, 儿童牙膏, 婴童护理用品 主营产品:婴幼儿护理,婴童洗护,牙膏,婴童护肤 进入品牌专区 在线咨询 Feedback上海总部 电话:021-62086811 传真:021-52921020 广州办 电话:020-34093626 传真:020-34179490 昆山...
Thank you for your continuous support to Jack ‘n Jill. For over 40 years, we have been using only the best quality natural potatoes when crafting potato chips; we also ensure each chip is bursting with real potato excitement! As the iconic potato chips brand in Hong Kong, Jack ‘n Jill...
Brand: Jack 'n Jill Description: Chippy Garlic And Vinegar Flavour Corn Chips Allergy Advice: Contains Soy, Wheat Gluten. Store in a cool dry place. Consume all once opened. Ingredients: Maize (Corn) (63%), Palm Oil, Maize (Corn) Oil, Coconut Oil, Seasoning (Fl...
Jack N' Jill is a cute and charming retro one button platformer. Control Jack while he runs and jumps to get past obstacles and enemies, and help him find his way to Jill. With a total of 140 levels spanning across 7 different worlds, Jack N' Jill provides a lot of fun and challenge...
These were the weaknesses in the Jack n Jill SWOT Analysis. The weaknesses of a brand are certain aspects of its business which it can improve.Jack n Jill Opportunities Expansion into other neighborhoods of the city Start new exclusive clothing lines which are unique to Jack ‘n Jill Increase...
商标名称: JACK & JILL 申请/注册号: 3062383 商标类型: 普通商标 是否共有商标: 否 商标申请日期: 2002-01-04 初审公告日期: 2003-01-14(863期公告) 注册满三年日期: 2006-04-14 国际分类: 25类 服装鞋帽 商标状态: 已注册·商标续展核准 商标形式: - 优先权日期: - 专用权期限: 2023-04-14 至 ...
Jack n' Jill 官方站点:http:// 【澳洲直邮】Jack N'Jill宝宝儿童有机果味牙膏50g 可吞服不含氟(覆盆子、香蕉,蓝莓、黑醋栗)$4.50澳元$6.00澳元 【澳洲直邮】JACKNJILL 牙刷$3.80澳元$6.00澳元 数据加载中...
Vcut Potato Chips (Spicy Barbecue BBQ Crisps) (珍珍薯片 (辣燒烤味)) Shipping Weight: 0.198kg Brand: Jack 'n Jill Description:Jack 'n Jill V-Cut Potato Chips Spicy Barbecue Flavour Made from 100% real potatoes Consume all once opened. Allergy Advi...
Potato Chips Tomato Flavor 90g, Brand: JACK N JILL, Chips, Rice Crackers, Noodle Snack-Yami. 100% authentic, 30-day return guarantee, authorized retailer, low price.