Jack in Lord of the Flies by William Golding | Traits & Quotes from Chapter 4/ Lesson 3 74K Learn about Jack from Lord of the Flies. See the physical description of Jack; discover his age and character traits; look at his quotes from the novel; and review his transformation. ...
Well, Jack Merridew was for sure that one kid. For Jack, the island was like a dream come true! There were no girls, he could swear, play games, hurt the littluns. All that without any grown-ups sending him to his room for doing something completely dreadful. 813 Words 4 Pages ...
Jack Merridew's Leadership In Lord Of The Flies A leader has always been considered as a person who inspires and rules over others. A leader is responsible for benefitting and taking care of those who follow him. Overall, a leader is meant to positively influence others and is responsible ...