Supposed To Be — Jack Johnson Soundtrack: Curious George Maybe it's up with the stars Maybe it's under the sea Maybe it's not very far Maybe this is how it's supposed to be This is how it's supposed to be Maybe it's trapped in a jar Something we've already seen Maybe it's...
Jack Johnson Soundtrack: Curious George It's always more fun To share with everyone It's always more fun To share with everyone If you have two Give one to your friend If you have three Give one to your friend and me It's always more fun To share with everyone It's always more ...
Jungle Gym — Jack Johnson Lyrics Soundtrack: Curious George The city is my jungle gym Look at this big great world that we're living in There's lots of fun to be had on these streets We can take a ride just you and me It's a jungle gym It's a jungle gym Trolley cars and bus...
Zak Garner
生长于夏威夷阳光海岸的 Jack Johnson,是昔日的冲浪天才,也是今日的民谣歌星。虽然冲浪的梦想被意外击碎,Johnson 却将对这项运动的热爱制成电影。这部电影不仅摘得多项大奖,还让他自弹自唱的歌曲广为流传。冲浪少年的温和嗓音,配上简单的吉他和弦,融合爵士、蓝调与民谣风味的冲浪摇滚,带来清新又治愈的旋律。本歌单精...
这位从小生长在海边的歌手,以大海般的歌声和胸怀拥抱全世界,也得到了全世界的爱意回馈。 歌曲 艺人 专辑 时长 Jack Johnson 试听 3:15 Jack Johnson 试听 3:20
In 2016, American singer-songwriter Jack Johnson composed the soundtrack and featured in the short documentary film The Smog of the Sea. The film recounts the activities of a crew of activists, res...
歌词:Jack Johnson Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George(好奇喬治在唱歌) 全碟 来自: 人淡如菊。无奈(希望明天比今天更funky) 2008-02-24 09:49:59 1.Upside Down(天翻地覆) 2.Broken(不完美) 3.People Watching(大家都在看) 4.Wrong ...
Jack Johnson and Friends: Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies For the Film Curious George 表演者: Ben Harper / Matt Costa / Money Mark / Kawika Kahiapo / G. Love / Jack Johnson 流派: 原声配乐 专辑类型: 专辑发行时间: 2006-02-06 出版者: Universal Music ...
Hawaii-born troubadour Jack Johnson's laidback lilt and gently strummed guitar can turn the gloomiest day into a sun-dappled hang by the beach. Even when he's singing about feelings that run as deep as the Pacific—whether it's profound love or worries about the world's future—his sweet...