斗地主:dipper landlord[ˈdɪpə(r)][ˈlændlɔ:d]玩扑克牌:play cards 牌盒:card case 扑克牌:poker['pəʊkə(r)]一副:deck[dek]一副扑克牌:a deck of playing card 大小王:joker['dʒəʊkə(r)]J:Jack 侍从[dʒæk]Q:Queen,王后 K:King,国王 A:Ace...
playing cards:扑克牌;纸牌 一套 52 张小矩形硬纸片之一,每张纸都有一个数字和一个设计,上面印有四套花色之一,用于游戏 。在英文中,扑克牌并不等同于中文音译的扑克牌,英文中一副扑克牌是a deck of playing card。中文里扑克一词按照发音是来自英文的poker,而poker只是playing card的一种玩法,因此playing...
One of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince. Small flag indicating a ship's nationality. Game equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks. An electrical device consisting ...
A Playing Card: In a deck of cards, "jack" refers to the face card that's worth 11 points and usually depicts a character from historical or mythological tales. It's also sometimes called a "knave" or simply the letter "J". A Name or Nickname: As a name, "Jack" is a popular on...
A standard deck of cards has 13 cards (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king, ace) in each of 4 suits (hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades). The hearts and diamonds cards are red. The clubs and spades cards are black. Answer each question.You are selecting ...
(i.e. A two of hearts is worth two points); Jacks, Queens, and Kings all represent ten points; and Aces are worth either 1 or 11 points. Each player gets two cards, and the chance to ask for a third one. If you get a number higher than 21, you're automatically out of the ...
court card, face card, picture card - one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face gaming card - one of a set of cards used in gambling games heart - a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it; "he led the queen of hearts"; "he...
1. Jack is a general term for a winch or a lifting device used to raise heavy loads.2. It can also refer to a male person or the jack of cards in a deck.3. The verb "jack up" means to raise or increase something, often metaphorically.4. Additionally, "jack" in slang...
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Jack 音标:[dʒæk]翻译:n. 杰克(男子名)例句:1.Jack: Then we go to that window.杰克:然后到那边的窗口去。2.No, Jack. You must go on.不行,杰克。你必须继续下去。3.Jack: I like that.杰克: 我喜欢这样。