Jack and the beanstalk 教研课教案学情分析:五年级学生在小学阶段处于高段,他们已有多年英语学习经验与基础,具有了较强的观察力、记忆力和丰富的想象力。他们已具有通过观察、阅读,从而获得故事里的具体信息与内容的本领。老师还应当在这个基础上培养他们通过上下文推测生词的含义以及在理解的基础上扑捉关键信息的能力...
1.learnnewwords:poor,beanstalk,castle,giant,goose 2.Readandretellthestory Difficulties: 1.retellthestory 2.writetheendingforthestory Materials: 1.Multi-media(powerpoint) 2.Pictureandwordcards 3.Blackboard PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSE I.Pre–task ...
《Jack and the Beanstalk》教学资源 [教案]外研版一年级起点《Jack and the Beanstalk》公开课教案小学英语三年级下册 情感目标:挖掘学生积极主动的探究心理,鼓励学生大胆想象。【重点难点】重点:归纳总结发音规律,拼读含有目标音素的词汇。难点:拼读含有目标音素的词汇,以及对词汇的恰当运用。【教学程序】 第一课时我...
Words: beanstalk, giant, castle, golden,goose, rich, poor, sell Sentences:Jack climbs up the beanstalk. …… The sentences with the simple tense. (2)能力目标: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and othe...
Jack andthe Beanstalk 教学内容: 外研版三起四上“Jack and the Beanstalk” 教学目标: (一).知识与技能目标: 1.学生能够借助图片读懂故事。 2.学生能够通过找准关键词,寻找特定信息,独立完成提取信息的任务,初步掌握一定阅读策略。 3.学生能够正确朗读故事。 4.学生能够依据图片,板书等的帮助,用简短的语句讲述...
Jack and the Beanstalk教学设计 一、教材分析 本课选自外研版新标准英语一起三年级下册Reading for pleasure的内容。它是一个经典的英语寓言童话。语句结构难度不大,简单易懂、有趣,能激发孩子们阅读的兴趣。 二、教学目标 语言知识目标:全体学生能读懂故事。
460 Words 2 Pages Good Essays Read More Creative Writing Alternate Jack and the Beanstalk Jack Episode IV: The Magical Key Jack is your normal‚ everyday 15 year old kid. Since he could remember‚ he has always had to do without many possessions in his life. But he has always be...
Jack and Jill by:王凯希CassyWang 4219 jack and beanstalk by:Dorian哆瑞安故事屋 99 Jack Elliott Takes The Floor-Ranblin' Jack Elliott by:小众style 1932 Jack原创歌曲 by:蓝调慢版 223 Jack Move-Ariez Onasis by:嘻哈有态度 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
Jack and Jill and big dog Bill by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 1080 Jack and jill and big dog bill by:PeterTreeHouse 4591 Jack and the Beanstalk带文稿 by:柯兰Keran 954 Jack by:伊面伊面 39.1万 杰克和魔豆 Jack and the Beanstalk by:小小艾学英语
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