Curious to see where it led, Jack began to clamber up the beanstalk. After climbing all day, Jack finally reached the sky.杰克好奇地想知道它通向哪里,于是他开始爬上豆茎。爬了一整天之后,杰克终于到达了天空。There were fluffy clouds all around him, and in front of him was a magnificent ca...
Story: We're all wonders 842019-07 2 Story: Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和魔豆 722019-07 查看更多 猜你喜欢 2.1万 村长的《JAC外贸食堂》 by:懒羊羊在美国 5.5万 有声书:JAC外贸谈判手记 by:Chinajac 774 story story time by:春暖花开菊子妈妈 164 A Story, a Story by:Matchbox火柴盒子 1670 Eng...
Next day he woke up but it was very dark in his bedroom as if it was still night. He looked out of his window and all he could see were lots and lots of dark green leaves. They seemed to disappear into the clouds. It was a giant beanstalk ! So they were magic beans after all!
英语故事:Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎 Once upon a time there was a poor mother who lived alone with her son, Jack. All they had in the world was an old cow to give them milk. One day the cow stopped giving milk so the woman had to sell her.从前,有一个很穷的母亲和她唯一...
The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk by:0殷小嘟0 954 Jack by:伊面伊面 510 Jack闲作 by:你的朋友JackHong 3.3万 Jack English by:Littlelittleoasis 774 story story time by:春暖花开菊子妈妈 2188 Jack_talkshow的专辑 by:Jack_talkshow ...
英语故事:Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎 Once upon a time there was a poor mother who lived alone with her son, Jack. All they had in the world was an old cow to give them milk. One day the cow stopped giving milk so the woman had to sell her.从前,有一个很穷的母亲和她唯一...
英语故事 :Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎 Once upon a time there was a poor mother who lived alone with her son, Jack. All they had in the world was an old cow to give them milk. One day the cow stopped giving milk so the woman had to sell her. 从前,有一个很穷的母亲和她唯...
In this lesson, we'll look at ''Jack and the Beanstalk,'' a story about magic beans that grow into beanstalks that reach a giant's home in the sky,...
少儿英语小故事:Jack and the beanstalk杰克与魔豆 杰克跟他妈妈一起住,他们很穷。有一天,杰克把牛卖了来换取豆,他的妈妈知道後非常愤怒,不过那些是魔法豆! Jack lives with his mother, they are very poor. One day Jack sells the cow for some beans. His mother is angry, but the beans are magic!