英语故事-Jack-and-the-Beanstalk-杰克和豆茎.pdf,英语故事 :Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎 Once upon a time there was a poor mother who lived alone with her son, Jack. All they had in the world was an old cow to give them milk. One day the cow stopped gi
英语故事:JackandtheBeanstalk杰克和豆茎 Onceuponatimetherewasapoormotherwholivedalonewithherson, Jack.Alltheyhadintheworldwasanoldcowtogivethemmilk.Oneday thecowstoppedgivingmilksothewomanhadtosellher. 从前,有一个很穷的母亲和她唯一的儿子一起生活,她的儿子名叫杰克。她们全 ...
睡前英语故事|The Princess with Twenty Skirts 穿二十条裙子的公主 儿童睡前英语故事 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容 儿童睡前故事 | 美人鱼女王 儿童睡前经典故事 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容 【听儿童故事】...
The next day, when Jack woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, he saw that a huge beanstalk had grown from his magic beans! 第二天他睡醒时,朝窗外一看,看到从他的魔豆里长出了一根巨型豆茎! He climbed up the bean...
And there was a giant beanstalk covering the window. “The magic beanstalk grew overnight so high! Taller and taller that it reached the sky. What’s on top of the beanstalk? Up there? I’ll climb up there. Curiosity’s something that I can’t bear!” As Jack climbed to the top, ...
1、Jack and the Beanstalk英语绘本pdf资源<p推荐年龄:<p5岁以上<p资源介绍:<p本文给大家分享的资源是英文绘本Jack and theBeanstalk,翻译成中文名为:杰克和魔豆,资源是pdf电子书格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。<p这个绘本是全球最畅销的英语分级读物之一"Collins Big Cat"柯林斯大猫系列粉色1级中的一本...
Jack and the beanstalk Story-Teller: Look! This is Jack. This is Jack’s mother. They are not very happy, because they are poor. Jack: Mum! I’m hungry, what things can I to eat? Mother: I’m sorry Jack. I’m hungry, too. But we haven’t got any thing to eat. And we hav...
Jack and Beanstalk (杰克与豆茎)Jack and his mother were very poor. All they had was one cow. 杰克和他的妈妈生活贫困,他们的财产只有一头牛。One day, Jack’s mother said, “Go and sell our cow and bring the money back to me.”一天,杰克的妈妈说:“你出去把我们的牛卖掉吧,换点钱回来...
Jack was very quick and as soon as he got to his house, ran to get the axe. He chopped down the beanstalk and the giant came crashing down with a tremendous thud. And that was the end of him ! Jack and his mother had all the money they could ever want thanks to the hen and Ja...
Jackandthebeanstalk 2 ThisisJackandhismother. Theyareverypoor[puə].They havenofoodtoeat. 3 Thisisagiant[ˈdʒaiənt].The gianteatsboys.Helivesina castle[ˈkɑ:sl].Heis ferocious[fəˈrəuʃəs]. 4 Thisisahugecastle.Itis ...