Gamme Jabra de micro-casques et enceintes stéréo de qualité. Musique personnelle mobile avec le Dolby Digital Plus mis en route par Jabra Sound App.
See why so many companies are choosing Jabra for their video and audio solutions. Customer stories Tech of the future. For the future. Technology is transforming the world. We want it to transform the world for the better. To be part of the change, we are committed to building the technol...
Technology is transforming the world. We want it to transform the world for the better. To be part of the change, we are committed to building the technology of the future in a way that doesn’t come at the expense of the environment and communities. Sustainability at Jabra Product...
Jabra is one of our top-tier equipment providers... and their technology have been enabling our members to connect with the world seamlessly. —Cherrie Lau, Regional Head APAC - Meetings & Events, The Executive Centre 1 2 3 Customer stories ...
Jabra捷波朗官方微博 2024-3-1 15:29 来自微博网页版 已编辑 从日常运动到居家办公,#Jabra Elite 4#真无线主动降噪耳机适合你一天中的每个时刻。 O网页链接 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 Jabra捷波朗官方微博 2023-12-25 16:54 来自HarmonyOS设备 已编辑 Merry Christma...
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Jabra捷波朗 - 1869 欧洲 丹麦捷波朗(外文Jabra)是全球免提移动科技的领导企业大北欧通讯设备有限公司(GN Netcom A/S)的全资子公司,其总部位于丹麦哥本哈根,产品包括无线蓝牙耳机,有线耳机及移动音乐配件,如可用于移动电话和其他设备的立体声耳机和耳麦。旨在满足用户对移动生活方式的需求。丹麦捷波朗产品体现了功能与...
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