driving automation,and some state legislation has defined it to correspond approximately to anyADSat or above level 3 (or to any vehicle equipped with such anADS). 这是第一层,从表现形式上,只有完全不依赖与外界的合作才能算上“自治”,但并不是所有的ADS都能实现。 Additionally, in jurisprudence, a...
首先是8.1,一个多少有点撇清的段落: 8.1 J3016 is not a specification and imposes no requirements. J3016 provides a logical taxonomy for classifyingdriving automation features(andADS-dedicated vehicles),along with a set of terms and definitions that support the taxonomy and otherwise standardize related...
The levels ofdriving automationare defined by reference to the specific role played by each of the three primary actors in performance of theDDTand/orDDT fallback.“Role” in this context refers to the expected role of a given primary actor, based on the design of thedriving automation system...
All of the real-time operational and tactical functions required tooperateavehiclein on-road traffic, excluding the strategic functions such astripscheduling and selection of destinations and waypoints, and including without limitation: - Lateral vehicle motion control via steering (operational); - Longi...
When discussing handling of asystem failureor out-of -operational design domain(out-of-ODD) condition for a level 3, 4, or 5ADS,the SAE J3016 framework distinguishes among the following three, separate functions: (i)DDTperformance, (ii)DDT fallbackperformance, and (iii)minimal risk condition...
A condition to which auseror anADSmay bring avehicleafter performing theDDT fallbackin order to reduce the risk of a crash when a giventripcannot or should not be completed. 而相应地,DDT失效指的是: A malfunction in adriving automation systemand/or othervehiclesystem that prevents thedriving...