写好之后,递交的窗口: J-1 visa waiver online webpage 第三步:和中方提出申请 了解流程和中方声明 建议申请申请豁免开始前3个月就开始准备,了解中方对于No Objection Statement的规定,如果有问题也可以开始联系询问。简单来说,在中方通过后,会直接向美国DOS提供对于你豁免申请的“不持异议信”(No Objection State...
在美期间将签证状态调整为移民类签证或合法永久居民身份(Adjust status while in the United States to immigrant visa/lawful permanent resident status (LPR)) 在美国领事馆或使馆申领移民类签证(Receive an immigrant visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate) 在美国领事馆或使馆申领H类临时工作签,L类公司内部调...
1> 在J1 Waiver官方网站(https://j1visawaiverrecommendation.state.gov/)上提交Waiver申请,获得Waiver...
在美期间将签证状态调整为移民类签证或合法永久居民身份(Adjust status while in the United States to immigrant visa/lawful permanent resident status (LPR)) 在美国领事馆或使馆申领移民类签证(Receive an immigrant visa at a U...
Some J1 visa holders are subject to INA §212(E) and will need to obtain a J1 Waiver before they can change their status to H1B Visa, L1 Visa or to adjust their status to permanent resident. Spouses and children of J1 visa holders may enter and remain in the US in J2 visa status....
Immigration Lawyer for EB1 Green Card, National Interest Waiver, J1 Waiver, INA 212. 15+ Award Winning Lawyer! Thousands of immigration cases won!
in J1 status was less than six months in duration, or c.The foreign national professor was previously a short-term scholar. Related: Professors and Researchers – US Visa Options J-1, H-1B, O-1, TN DID YOU KNOW? The spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age of a J1 visa...
for a J1 visa, a person must be accepted by a designated sponsoring organization. Upon completion of the exchange program, he or she must return to their home country unless a residency waiver is obtained. Spouse and dependents of a J1 visitor may come to the United States under j2 status...
J1 Visa Waiver More info L1 签证 L1 Visa More info O1 签证 O1 Visa More info K1 签证 K1 Visa More info 杰出人才移民 EB1A More info 杰出的教授和研究人员移民 EB1B More info 跨国公司的高级管理人员和经理移民 EB1C More info 国家利益豁免 ...
(e) No person admitted under section 101(a)(15)(J) or acquiring such status after admission (...