如果需要通过仿真器来烧录,不一定要购买J-Link啊,用致远电子生产的AK100Pro也可以,AK100Pro配套了免费的K-Flash的软件,可以直接用,只要你板子上预留了SWD和JTAG接口。AK100Pro支持ARM7、ARM9、ARM11、Cortex-M0 / M0+ / M1 / M3 / M4 / A5 / A8 / A9 / R4、XSCALE等内核的全系列仿真...
(VIP++福利贴:本资源由坛友 cloudboy 提出申请,由阿莫网上搜集与上传,版权归原作者。)
公司最近买了一个正版的J-Link,结果用J-flash烧录弹窗口提示需要输入License。之前用的盗版的J-Link反而不会。求各位帮忙解答,还有怎样获取到Lisence 0 2017-9-9 08:39:15 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 郑巧辉 相关推荐 • 怎样去安装J-Flash和J-Scope软件呢 1602 • 怎么使用oflash进行配套的J-link下载?
首先,本文假定用户已正确安装J-LINK,并已获取License(烧写FLASH必须要有License)。 Step_01:运行软件,并新建工程。 点击可执行文件“J-Flash”,在“welcome to J-Flash”界面下,选择“create a new project” 图1 create a new project Step_02:打开“project seting”对话框。 如图2所示,点击下拉菜单“options...
Without a license key J-Flash can still be used to open project files, read from connected devices, blank check target memory, verify data files and so on. However to actually program devices via J-Flash and J-Link, a valid license is required. For an overview which SEGGER products come...
I thought that no license is required if I am using the SAM-ICE JTAG? Is there some additional setup I need to do? Regards Edit: I am using an Atmel AT91SAM7S64 device. I found this comment which appears to state that no license is required with SAM-ICE for Atmel parts, forum....
J-Link J-Flash 注册机 In**倾城 上传126 KB 文件格式 exe 开发技术 C segger j link keygen 使用jflash烧程序的时候需要的license 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:30 积分 电信网络下载 jiangnan0001 2022-08-18 09:50:26 评论 不错很好用l5...
For using J-Flash SPI (CL), a J-Flash license is required. The following SEGGER emulators is come with this license: J-Link PLUS or higher Flasher ARM/PRO J-Trace PRO (Cortex/Cortex-M) No additional license is required / available. ...
No license required. No hidden costs. No future costs. Future Proof: Software, firmware updates, and new flash loaders are free of charge Resources Release notes Update notification Support News SEGGER Flasher PRO — Programming QSPI flashes at maximum speed ...