The IPC-J-STD-001 standard outlines the necessary materials for producing electronic assemblies, including solders, fluxes, and cleaning agents. To ensure the performance and reliability of these assemblies, the standard provides specific requirements for the composition and properties of solders used in...
IPC-A-610 and J-STD-001 both emphasize thesoldering process, including industry terms forPCB assemblyand characteristics of an acceptable board. IPC-A-610 is used for electronic assembly acceptance. Furthermore, this standard also provides detailed information and images regarding board inspection proc...
Requirements for Soldering Fluxes首页 标准 IPC J-STD-004B-2008 IPC J-STD-004B-2008 引用关系 发布历史IPC J-STD-004B-2008标准号 IPC J-STD-004B-2008 发布 2008年 总页数 28页 发布单位 美国电子电路和电子互连行业协会 引用标准 ANSI-NCSL Z540-1 ASTM D1298 Bellcore GR-78-CORE BS EN 14582...
J-STD-004, Revision C, January 2022 - Requirements for Soldering Fluxes This standard prescribes general requirements for the classification and characterization of fluxes for high quality solder interconnections. This standard may be used for quality control and procurement purposes. Purpose The purp...
Requirements for soldering pastes 首页 标准 ANSI J-STD-005-1995 标准号 ANSI J-STD-005-1995 1995年 发布单位 美国国家标准学会 购买 正式版 IPC J-STD-004B AMD 1-2011 助焊剂要求IPC J-STD-004B CHINESE 助焊剂要求IPC J-STD-004B CD-2008 助焊剂要求IPC J-STD-004A-2004 钎焊熔剂要求IPC J-ST...
For wave-soldered through-hole devices, the soldering operation occurs under the board that shields the devices from the hot solder through-hole devices, the soldering operation occurs under the board that shields the devices from the hot solder Throughholedevices that are soldered using intrusive ...
State Technology Association Committee (JC- Association) Soldering Technology Committee (STC) and the JEDEC Solid State Technology Association Committee (JC- 封装器件可靠性测试方法的许多参与者。IPC 、ECIA 、JEDEC 协会在此一并对上述各有关个人和组织 14.1) Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices. ...
由美国军方、IPC、EIA以及各国著名的助焊剂生产商共同制定的、适应性很强的联合工业标准---J-STD-004(Requirements for Soldering Fluxes)标准就是目前国际上最盛行的助焊剂标准,但国内许多相关生产厂商对此并不十分了解,也不了解依据该标准获得的检测数据或参数的意义,从而造成了选择使用焊剂的误差。本文阐述了J-ST...
測試的暴露時間裡有分Standard(標準)及Accelerated(加速)兩種規格,規格要求除非先前通過Standard暴露條件後發現有異常或已知[擴散啟動能量(Activation energy for Diffusion)]是 0.4-0.48eV(不要問工作熊什麼是「擴散啟動能量」?工作熊也不知道啊!),才可以使用「加速相當(Accelerated Equivalent)」條件。
The classified methods and requirements of American national joint industry standard J-STD-004 were introduced in this article simply, and a comparison between J-STD-004 and other flux standard has been taken too. Meanwhile, basic means and principles of Choosing and using fluxes have been present...