Yakima Symphony Orchestra Principal Tuba David McLemore “The Tuba Family"大号家族 456 -- 3:23 App J. S. Bach - Prelude BWV 998 l played by Iva Kosić 1585 -- 3:45 App 巴赫Allegro BWV 998 l Iva Kosić 1061 1 2:52 App Bach: “Little” Fugue in g minor for Low Recorder Qu...
J·S·Bach Thegodofmusic---Johann SebastianBach (1685~1750)G5Michael ThispictureshowsEisenach,thebirthplaceofJohannSebastianBach.TheBachfamilywasoneofseveraltraditionalfamiliesofmusicians.Hisfather,whowasalsoamusician,trainedBachasorganist(管风琴家)andcantor(合唱指挥家).Butattheageofnine,Bach’sparentsboth...
Motets of the Bach Family - J.C. Bach; J.S. Bach; J.M. Bach; J.L. Bach / Liz Kenny, Helen Gough, Keri DexterMark Dobell
In his lifetime he was more successfu than his father, but in the middle of the 19th century, J.S. Bach's music became popular again and he has stayed at the top ever since. Other Famous Musical Families The Mozart family: Leopold, the father, Nannerli, the daughter and Wolfgang ...
...During his years in Thuringia at Eisenach and Erfurt he was naturally drawn to the Bach family. Ambrosius, Johann Sebastian’s father, asked him to be godfather to his daughter Johanna Juditha and to teach music to his son Johann Christoph (later known as the Ohrdruf Bach, and the ...
TheLifeofJ.S.Bach BorninEisenach,Germany.Bach’sfamilysuppliedmusicians.Musician’sagent,orbroker.Orphanedatageoften,raisedbyhisolderbrother.BrotherwasanorganistandBach’sfirstmusicteacher(familyapprenticeship)Background J.S.Bachisoneofthemostwellresearchedcomposerswithmoreeachyear 90080070060050040030020010001800 1...
Bach drafted a genealogy around 1735, titled “Origin of the musical Bach family”. Bach’s mother died in 1694, and his father died eight months later. Bach, aged 10, moved in with his oldest brother, Johann Christoph Bach (1671–1721), the organist at St. Michael’s Church in ...
在Apple Music 上收听平诺克, 雷切尔 · 波吉尔 & 乔纳森・曼森的《J.S. Bach: Sonatas for Violin and Obbligato Harpsichord Volume 2》。2000年。19 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 7 分钟
在Apple Music 上收听彼得・施赖尔, 汤・库普曼 & 贾普 ·特· 林登的《Bach, J.S.: Schemelli-Gesänge; Kleine Orgelmesse》。1992年。32 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 5 分钟