简介:J PHARMACOL SCI杂志属于医学行业,“药学”子行业的中等级别杂志。投稿难度评价:影响因子还可以,但是不难投中。 审稿速度:一般,3-6周级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,关注人极少。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成...
简介:EUR J PHARMACOL杂志属于医学行业,“药学”子行业的中等级别杂志。投稿难度评价:影响因子还可以,但是不难投中。 审稿速度:超快,1-2周级别/热度:绿评语:关注人数不是太多,但是可能比较适合中国人投稿,强烈推荐此区杂志。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,...
学科:CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMSSCIEQ4175 / 220 20.68% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,主要参考当年IF,最终每个分区的期刊数...
It is well established that alterations in phosphate metabolism have a profound effect on hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The present-day clinical form of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) was preceded by phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, ca. 1860.
Xie C, Yuan J, Li H, Li M, Zhao G, Bu D, Zhu W, Wu W, Chen R‡,Zhao Y‡. NONCODEv4: exploring the world of long non-coding RNA genes. Nucleic Acids Research 2014 Jan;42(Impact Factor:11.56SCI citation:227)
17.ZANDA M T, FADDA P, ANTINORI S, et al. Methoxetamine affects brain processing involved in emotional response in rats[J]. Br J Pharmacol, 2017, 174(19): 3333-3345. 18.KRATSMAN N, GETSELTER D, ELLIOTT E...
Jscimed Medical Journal of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Impact Factor. Jscimed International Latest Research Medical Journals Open Access pdf.
Correspondence: Wei Guo, Ph.D., Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacol- ogy, CHS 23-234, UCLA School of Medicine, 650 CE Young Drive South, Los Angeles, CA90095-1735; e-mail: wguo@mednet.ucla.edu. J.L.L. is a fellow of NCI Scholar for Oncology and Molecular Imaging Training...
43.Laux-Biehlmann A, d’Hooghe T, Zollner TM. Menstruation pulls the trigger forinflammation and pain in endometriosis. Trends Pharmacol Sci 2015;36:270-276. 44. Greaves E,Temp J, Esnal-Zufiurre A, Mechsner S...
简介:BRIT J PHARMACOL杂志属于医学行业,“药学”子行业的优秀级杂志。投稿难度评价:中等偏上杂志,要求也较高,此区杂志很多,但是投中,并不容易 审稿速度:很快,2-3周级别/热度:暗红评语:杂志级别不错,但是比较冷门,关注人数偏少。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认...