国际简称:J PHARM PHARM SCI 出版周期:Quarterly 研究方向:医学 - 药学 出版语言:English 创刊时间:1998 是否预警:否 出版地区:CANADA 是否OA:开放 期刊介绍 《Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences》(《药学与药学杂志》)是一本由Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences出版的医学-药学学术刊物,主要...
国际简称:J PHARM SCI-US 出版周期:Monthly 研究方向:化学综合 - 医学 出版语言:English 创刊时间:1961 是否预警:否 出版地区:UNITED STATES 是否OA:未开放 期刊介绍 《Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences》(《药学杂志》)是一本由John Wiley and Sons Inc.出版的化学综合-医学学术刊物,主要刊载化学综合-医学相关...
期刊ISSN1482-1826 期刊全称Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 期刊缩写J Pharm Pharm Sci 影响因子1.811 自引率2.90% SCI 收录情况SCIE收录; ESI 学科分类药理学与毒物学(Pharmacology & Toxicology) 中科院大类分区医学:4区 中科院小类分区药学4区 ...
Investigation into the Impact of Proton Pump Inhibitors on Sertraline Transport across the Blood-Brain Barrier. November 23, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] The use of polymorphic state modifiers in solid lipid microparticles: the role of structural modifications on drug release performance. November 21, 2023 ...
2023 - 184 Evaluation of the 18F-labeled analog of the therapeutic all-D-enantiomeric peptide RD2 for amyloid β imaging. May 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Mechanistic insights into the effect of drug content on adhesive properties of transdermal patch containing lidocaine. ...
国际简称:J PHARM PHARM SCI 创刊时间:1998 年发文量:28 出版地:CANADA 官网:https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/JPPS 较慢,6-12周审稿时间 较易平均录用比例 1.922影响因子 药学小学科 投稿指导对口稀缺资源了解免费选刊指导 期刊简介影响因子趋势图同领域期刊服务明细 ...
2023 - 36 (3(Special)) Therapeutic drug monitoring for lisinopril in rats using dried blood spots. May 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Sustained virological response to antiviral drugs in treatment of different genotypes of HCV cirrhotic patients. ...
期刊名称 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESJ PHARM SCI-US 期刊ISSN 0022-3549 期刊官方网站 http://www.jpharmsci.org/ 是否OA 否 出版商 John Wiley and Sons Inc. 出版周期 Monthly 文章处理费 登录后查看 始发年份 1961 年文章数 327 影响因子 3.7(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子中科院...
Formulation and characterization of nanoparticle-based ethinyl estradiol transdermal drug delivery system for contraception and menopausal disorders. September 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution study of two novel quinazoline PI3K/mTOR dual-inhibitors, potential anticancer agents...