国际简称:J PAK MED ASSOC 年发文量:260 0.642影响因子 医学:内科小学科 2024年SCI期刊影响因子出炉获取相关优质资源精准匹配期刊 期刊简介影响因子趋势图同领域期刊服务明细 中文简介 《巴基斯坦医学协会杂志》是一份来自巴基斯坦的国际生物医学杂志。我们出版的材料感兴趣的医生和科学家在广泛的医学领域。描述原始定性、...
Response from Aisha Mehnaz (J Pak Med Assoc. 2023; 73: 231-232) Paediatric Residents Training In Pakistan: Time For A Paradigm Shift. October 01, 2023 [ MEDLINE Abstract ] Comment on Aisha Mehnaz (J Pak Med Assoc. 2023; 73: 231-232) Paediatric Residents Training In Pakistan: Time ...
J PAK MED ASSOC JPMA J PAK MED ASSOC J. PAK. MED. ASSOC JPMA. The journal of the Pakistan Medical Association Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 0030-9982 sn 79018506 JPKMAK 同行评议:否 本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年) 本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)&#...
Hydrocephalus in children. J Pak Med Assoc 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 59 作者:R Rizvi,Q Anjum 摘要: The word "hydrocephalus" is derived from two Greek words: hydro meaning water; and cephalus meaning head; also known as "water on the brain". Historically it is believed to result from ...
Response to comments on F. Shaheen et al (J Pak Med Assoc 2021 April (4): 1184-1188) Incidence of endophthalmitis following intravitreal anti VEGF injections at a tertiary care hospital in PakistanShaheen, FizaAwan, Muhammad AmerHafeez, Aiman...
J Rema assumed charge as the new director of ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode on January 14 following the direction of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Prior to her appointment as the new director of the Institute she was serving as the head of the Division of Crop ...
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