J. K. Simmons joins GQ as he revisits some of the most iconic characters in his career so far: from Spider-Man’s J. Jonah Jameson in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, to his animated role as Omni-Man in Invincible.“J. Jonah Jameson was based on Stan Lee,”
W. J. Simmons BooksThe Klan Unmasked W. J. Simmons Various representatives of the press, as well as many of my colleagues in the organization of which I have the honor to be the Founder and head, have repeatedly asked me to make a public statement, de.....
An already perplexing case is made even more unmanageable by the dead officers’ revenge-minded colleagues (J.K. Simmons plays their precinct chief). These cops have a bad habit of killing witnesses before Davis can interview them. In the film’s second half it dawns on Davis that there may...
Rose, Bridget Van Gronigen Warren, and Aundrea White Kelley (Books & Books, Dec 02, 2021) Sorry You’re Having A Bad Night by E.K. Robertson (Austin House Publishing, Nov 20, 2021) The Pursuit of Porsha: How My Journey to Happiness Can Help You Find Yours by Porsha Williams (Worthy...
Night Skycertainly has an intriguing, simple elevator pitch: An older married couple (Irene and Franklin, played beautifully bySissy SpacekandJ.K. Simmons, respectively) in a small country town have been living a quiet, idyllic life for decades. Unbeknownst to anyone else, their property contains...
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1. The "J.K." stands for "Jonathan Kimble." J.K. Simmons was born Jonathan Kimble Simmons—“Kimble” being his mother’s maiden name. Simmons probably would’ve kept his original name, if it weren’t for some professional problems. The way he tells it, most variations of his name ...