mercy分析jcole和k.dot的beef关系,太有活了!, 视频播放量 7393、弹幕量 12、点赞数 347、投硬币枚数 6、收藏人数 63、转发人数 84, 视频作者 2hangC3, 作者简介 一个热爱hiphop、篮球的打工人,创作分享喜欢的视频,谢谢这么有品味的你!,相关视频:mercy再谈和峰哥当初
歌名:J. Cole - Port Antonio开头歌曲的采样:Cleo Sol - Know That You Are Loved伴奏采样:Lonnie Liston Smith - A Garden of Peace(Jay-Z 的“Dead Presidents II”等歌曲也采样过这首歌), 视频播放量 7702、弹幕量 2、点赞数 168、投硬币枚数 9、收藏人数 73、转发
而母亲的支持也是成就J.Cole的动力源泉,为了支持J.Cole的音乐梦想,妈妈不惜花费重金给他买了一台Roland TR-808模拟鼓机,这台影响着众多制作人以及歌手的音乐创作神器,也使得J.Cole日后成为优秀的制作人奠定了基础。Jay-Z是J.Cole音乐道路上的伯乐 将J.Cole的音乐才华大放异彩的伯乐非Jay-Z莫属,但这其中的过...
J. Cole Felt 'Conflicted' and Spiritually Unsettled by Kendrick Lamar Diss: 'The World Wants to See Blood' The rapper's own read of "7 Minute Drill" isn't too far off from the general response to it, but he regrets giving into the pressure of rap beef and admits: "That's the lame...
《Port Antonio》基本上也是以 JAY-Z 的《Dead Presidents II》为主架构,只是 在 BPM 上进行了调整),你能非常明显地感觉到这位说唱歌手在“技与术”的急速提升——年轻的 Jermaine 会在歌中咬牙切齿、上蹿下跳,用每一个从嘴里迸发出的字眼证明自己脱离了同辈的低级审美,而如今的 Cole 更擅长的是宛如闲庭信步...
J. Cole is a rapper and producer who signed on with Jay Z's Roc Nation in 2009 and has produced for artists like Kendrick Lamar and Janet Jackson.
In a combative move that illustrates the scale of his ambition, J. Cole's second album, Born Sinner, was released on June 18th in the US, the same day as Kanye West's Yeezus. Jay-Z's Magna Carta... Holy Grail was released a couple of weeks later, and the three major hip-hop al...
In the lyrics of the song, we find J. Cole caught up in a whirlwind of emotions. It is also interesting that he opens the song with“Bad things happen to the people you love,”which seemingly has no connection to the rest of the song. He could be talking about his girlfriend back...
后面就是耳熟能详的找到jayz,然后开启火爆事业。专辑的话我自己最喜欢他的2014( 小八卦:我看saweetie上电台说过自己读书的时候超级喜欢他,拿自己专辑堵已经出名的cole给他听) 赞(6) 回复 Tripletrick 2021-07-07 18:21:56 可以详细说说嘛 modomodo 他被爆出轨老婆在外面有小三(但是吃瓜群众普遍没有证据,...
“I Said What I Said… Let’s Dance” Sauce Walka Calls Out J. Cole... Says He Can Go Bar-For-Bar W/ Him After Snapping On This New Freestyle! 92,437 Nov 29, 2023 This The Game Of Thrones Of Rap Right Now: Kanye West Disses Drake & J. Cole On Like That’ Remix! "We ...