culprit(criminal the root of the problem); be attributable to(attributes to); rail freight(铁路货运);marginalisation; saturated(饱和的 浓的);artery(动脉 干线);state-of-the-art(体现最好水平和最高科技的); quartet(四人奏 四人组); quintet(five); fuse(溶接 接合;保险丝熔断器); take more gam...
Tubed preamplifiers have a well-earned reputation as system busters. Many of them during warmup produce horrendous bangs or plops so severe that every speaker fuse in the system blows. If fuses are absent, or rated too high to protect things, the amplifier, speakers, or both are likely to...
Siemens ITE Q230 2P 30A Plug In Molded Case Type QP Circuit Breaker Siemens ITE Q225 2P 25A Type QP Plug In Molded Case Circut Breaker Siemens ITE Q150 CIRCUIT BREAKER 50AMP 1POLE 120/240VAC Siemens I-T-E Q140 40A 1P 120/240VAC 1PH Circuit Breaker SIEMENS I-T-E Q120 QP 20AMP CI...
5分钟报价BUCHERQX21-010R GMN滚珠轴承HYKH049162RZCTAP4DUL50NT-OOPT Mahle滤芯77680390PI3211PSVST10 RIETSCHOTENAAYB090-0000000000029/000A6P00004042-03/502 RITTAL接地带装配材料2559.000 cintropur德国*备件seetheattachment IFM-0724IEB3001-BPOG BARKSDALE-0964BNA-S22-DN20-10000332-595 ...
Kerb-Konus-Vertriebs-GmbHtemp0"Ensat threaded insert S M8/M12x1,5 L=15 case hardened galv. g. chr 302000080.160 DELIMON 66925-1311, Metering poston approximate switch schmersal TA064-12Y-2512-2 ATRDE12 NSM 6003179 PARKERMAX:160bar 80MP5MMBRE3-14M550M1144 S/N CS14956 ATE0612 T+RCE...
CNW GLASSTAP|20*300mm LKBO-091010-2 KTRRotexGS242.6;KupplungRotexGSGr.24,Alu,mitZahnkranz98°ShACrotgebohrtauf2.6/24H7-2.6/19H7 ME1-6-H-B02C-2-3-K-746 RANGE 200BAR OUTPUT 4-20MA GEFRAN 897.525 Alfalaval Type:M15-MFM71PL ALLOY304;No.30111-70140 apex 212-8 INTERNORMEN Technology...
0.8MPa CASE 2116 DDFRST0870315516506,00 ZS0LSVCRS LSV - CUSTOMIZED TECHNICAL TRAININGS 7KG7660-0DC02-0AA0POWERMETERSIMEASP660 AS180/GY-10/S121 19474Vigi C40 1P+N 40A 30mA cl.AC A9XAH657Pettine iC60/STI 3Aux+1P 57 moduli 0522076RI58-O/ 1024AS.41TE-B ATOS SP-COI-230/50/60/80 DL1...
Checkthecaseanddisplayscreenforcracksorotherdamage. Regularlyinspectallcordsandcablesforfrayingorotherdamage. Performsafetytestsonanyrepairedlinecords. Inspectallplugs,cables,andconnectorsforbentprongsorpins. Verifythatallcords,socketedcomponents,andconnectorsaresecurely seated. Inspectkeysandcont...
In that case SW may require either 2 or 3 workaround. 2. If possible set the ARM MMU attribute to configure DDR as "Normal memory" instead of "Device memory" type. This makes ARM to DDR access to be more efficient and helps to alleviate the problem. This is the observation based on...