Mr. Penney was determined to work hard and succeed. Physical comforts were a secondary consideration. With no plumbing, the Penneys obtained water from a nearby Chinese restaurant. They worked by the light of kerosene lamps. An attic above the store became the family's living quarters and store...
J.C. Penneys New CEO Spurs Hope in Company, on Wall Street.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Halkias, Maria
Now Penney has been implicated in the horrific collapse of the Rana Plaza factory building in Bangladesh—one of the worst industrial accidents in history. AsThe New York Timesreportedon Friday, “labor activists have found labels inside the wreckage for clothes being made for JCPenney, Cato Fashi...
J.C. Penney's stock has been on a wild ride this year, rising early in the year, only to fall in recent months and lag behind other retailers.
Haber, Holly
Human immunodeficiency virus infection may have contributed to the development of this patient's lymphoma. This case represents the rare occurrence of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and AIDS.doi:10.1001/archderm.127.7.1016Nahass GTKraffert C...
J.C. Penneys Dividend Cut in Half; Funds Will Be Used to Improve Stores.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Halkias, Maria
J.C. Penneys Stock Falls to 52-Week Low on Report of Weak September Sales.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)LaHood, Lila
From Penneys Come Dollars? Grant may be used to renovate mall spot where J.C. Penney was located and attract new tenantsWES NELSON YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC