Management of low astigmatism in implantable collamer lens surgery: opposite clear corneal incisions vs toric implantable collamer lens. December 01, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Prospective evaluation of the ESCRS online calculator for calculation of a multifocal intraocular lens. ...
1. Mr J has sweets every day, so his white teeth turn into bad teeth; 2. Mr J accidentally falls down and hurts his knee when playing slides; 3, Mr J has a lot…
Association between axial length and toric intraocular lens rotation according to an online toric back-calculator AIM: To assess the relationship between axial length(AL) and intraocular lens(IOL) rotation among eyes receiving a toric IOL and subsequently entered into ... JL Patnaik,MY Kahook,JP ...
Correcting astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery: Toric IOLs and corneal relaxing incisions planned with an image-guidance system and intraoperative aberrometer versus manual planning and surgery. January 01, 2019 [MEDLINE Abstract] Refractive surprise after routine cataract surgery with multifocal...