7, 1939, Tokyo) was a prolific Japanese writer who created a distinctive, often supernatural, fictional world. Kyōka was born into a family of provincial artists and artisans. He went to Tokyo in 1890, hoping to be accepted as a disciple of Ozaki Kōyō, the leader of the literary scene...
Video GamesFullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel|Fullmetal Alchemist: Stray Rondo|Fullmetal Alchemist: Sonata of Memories|Fullmetal Alchemist: Dream Carnival|Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir|Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Surpasses God|Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy|Fullmetal...
rather it is the opposite. There is something of us in the appearance of them, as there is a feeling of home in becoming lost. Their strange comfort entices interrogation in the same way that we demand concrete meaning from our dreams yet are left with an unconscious understanding which we...
Alternatively, inPeople sharing watermelon at table, the first word that jumped out to the artist was “share”. “I thought this word has many meanings” says Izumi, “But I wanted to communicate a meaning that shined a light on giving rather than losing out.” So in her fourth interpre...
Japanese artist Tomoya Moriizumi debuts in Hong Kong with paintings that are executed using egg tempera, a traditional Japanese painting technique used to depict nobility. Juxtoposing historical meaning, Moriizumi paints ordinary people from everyday life and injects references of contemporary culture....
Infinitely generous in sharing his knowledge of stone and his resources with Noguchi, Izumi would come to oversee the Japanese side of Noguchi’s increasingly complicated productions in stone, managing both large-scale commissioned works and the “private works” Noguchi made for his own pleasure. ...