RX 11 Advanced is everything you need to fix, enhance, and polish your audio for music, post production, and content creation. De-noise and de-reverb dialogue or vocals in real-time, take care of Frankenbites with ease, clean up tracks faster than ever with enhanced precision, effortlessly...
In previous versions of RX, the Repair Assistant has been fast and pleasingly effective in most typical cases, but in RX10 it has been rebuilt completely, from the ground up. It features an all‑new user interface, as well as a radically new machine‑learning analyser function. Once laun...
Own your audio universe with Ozone 11 Advanced, RX 11 Standard, Nectar 4 Advanced, Neutron 5, Exponential Audio 3D Reverbs, six additional plug-ins from our partner, Brainworx, and more. We’ve also added Guitar Rig 7 Pro from Native Instruments, a powerful multi-effects rack for endless ...
iZotope RX 10:音频魔术师,打造完美音质 mac/win版 iZotope RX 10是一款音频修复和重建工具的终极利器,它能够为您提供一种以前无法想象的音频质量和修复效果。无论您是在音乐制作、广播电视、电影制作还是声音设计等领域,iZotope RX 10都可以让您重新定义音频的清晰度、准确性和品质。 iZotope RX 10 Mac版...
完整的音频修复工具包。RX 长期以来一直是电影、电视、音乐、播客、视频游戏、样本库等的首选音频修复和抛光套件。借助 RX 10,我们创建了新工具并改进了深受喜爱的模块,以帮助您在比以往更短的时间内完成更多工作。 受到顶级后期制作工程师的信赖,能够快速可靠地提供干净的音频。
iZotope RX 10,音频修复的匠心之作!它不仅擅长于消除录音中的每一丝杂音、噪音,让声音回归纯净本质,更以卓越的音频增强技术,轻松调节音量、均衡音色,让音频作品焕发专业光彩。批量处理功能,高效应对海量音频文件,省时省力。独特的时频编辑界面,直观操控,精准雕琢每一个音频细节。跨平台兼容,无论是Windows还是Mac用户,...
- RX 10 Advanced: $799 USD (regularly $1,199 USD) - RX 10 Standard: $299 USD (regularly $399 USD) - RX 10 Elements: $99 USD (regularly $129 USD) WEBSITE:https://izotope.com iZotope’s RX application is the gold standard for repairing and enhancing audio. ...
iZotope RX 10,这款被音乐发烧友们誉为“音频魔术盒”的神奇软件,为追求完美音质的你带来了前所未有的体验。 iZotope RX 10 Mac版获取 iZotope RX 10 win版获取 这款软件仿佛拥有魔力,能立即提升你的音频处理水平,让你轻松掌控音频的每一个细节。无论是对音频进行降噪、去杂音、混响,还是EQ调整、压...
iZotope RX 10 for Mac是一款出色的音频修复和增强工具,凭借其卓越的音频处理技术,能够轻松应对各种音频问题。无论是背景噪音、回声还是失真,RX 10都能精准去除,还原清晰纯净的音频。同时,它还提供了丰富的增强工具,如均衡器、压缩器和混响效果器等,让音频质量更上一层楼。界面直观易用,让你可以精确控制修复过程,...
iZotope RX 10,一款颠覆传统音频处理的革命性软件,以其卓越的声音修复与增强能力,引领音频创作新风尚。无论您是面对录音中的顽固噪音、杂音,还是渴望为音频作品增添一抹不凡的音质魅力,RX 10都能轻松应对。一键去除不良干扰,还原纯净音质,让每一次聆听都成为享受。