6DC02B92 A536082A 864886F7 0D020500 80802B21 B94F3980 ED12116C 56B79F4B 4CDB0100 0100 *Mar 2 13:33:15.667: *Mar 2 13:33:15.671: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::=registrationRequest :{ requestSeqNum 4protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } discoveryComplete TRUE call...
It should also be noted that not all of those assigned to the program group actually made it past registration and the pre-ChalleNGe phases to enroll in (68 %) and graduate from (53 %) the ChalleNGe program. The impacts of the program on the group of ChalleNGe graduates are thus likely ...