Online Iyengar yoga videos, audio and sequences with the renowned instructor Pixie Lillas. Start your free trial today!
Online Iyengar yoga videos, audio and sequences with the renowned instructor Pixie Lillas. Start your free trial today!
"I continue to come to yoga classes because it helps me feel good…Physically, as I near age 70, it helps me with my posture, balance, flexibility, strength and aches and pains that come with aging." Jo Ann "Iyengar Yoga South Bay has super-charged my yoga practice of over 40 years...
the others brightened up at the memory. It was the best commemorative celebration I could have imagined. Abhijata, Guruji’s granddaughter and the next generation in the Iyengar yoga legacy, had arranged the festivities. Every detail was special. ...
I literally emerged from darkness to light, from mortal sickness to health, from crude ignorance to immersion in the ocean of knowledge by one means alone, namely by zealous persistence in the art and science of yoga practice ( sadhana ). What held good for me will hold good for you too...
I literally emerged from darkness to light, from mortal sickness to health, from crude ignorance to immersion in the ocean of knowledge by one means alone, namely by zealous persistence in the art and science of yoga practice ( sadhana ). What held good for me will hold good for you too...