IXDSCodec InterfaceThis topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.The IXDSCodec interface is exposed by the XDS Codec filter. Most applications will not have to use this interface.In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IXDSCodec interface exposes the following ...
IXDSCodec Interface This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later. The IXDSCodec interface is exposed by the XDS Codec filter. Most applications will not have to use this interface. In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IXDSCodec interface exposes the following ...
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. Requirements Expand table Minimum supported client Windows�XP with SP1 [desktop apps only] Minimum supported server None supported Target Platform Windows Header encdec.h See also IXDSCodec Interface...
型号 iDS-2DYH455IXS-D/JM(T2) 功能特性:400万像素,支持2560×1440@30fps分辨率焦距f=10-550mm,55倍光学变倍,16倍数字变倍超低照度 0.0005Lux/F1.8(彩色),0.0001Lux/F1.8(黑白)3000米激光补光支持3D定位功能,通过客户端/IE可实现点击跟踪和放大支持GB35114安全加密支持人脸建模比对,全结构化(人脸、人体、...
DS-IX2002-A7U/LX Face Analysis Analysis TypeSupports analysis, comparison and classification of faces in pictures, real-time videos or recordings. Data TypePicture, video Facial Video Format Resolution: 720 P to 8 MP Real-time video stream: H.264, Hikvision H.265 ...
DS-IX2002-A7U/LX Specification Face Analysis Video Structuralization Data Storage Web Application Product Performance Hardware Specifications Physical and Environmental Parameters Face Analysis Analysis TypeSupports analysis, comparison and classification of faces in pictures, real-time videos or recordings. ...
ixds5273 离北站特别近,隔桥相望,周围地铁比较近发表于2022-05-30 20:23 离北站特别近,隔桥相望,周围地铁比较近,便于出行,酒店前台位置不是很好找,但是可以提前打电话问前台,也还好啦,房间比较宽敞,设备齐全,也很干净,窗帘是电动的,就不用自己手动拉窗帘啦,开关还就在床头,还有个飘窗地台,晚上夜景挺好看的。