[warn] :: org.jboss.interceptor#jboss-interceptor-api;1.1: not found[warn] ::: [info] Resolving com.typesafe.scala-logging#scala-logging_2.11;3.4.0 ...[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.11.8 ...[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.21 ...[info] Resolving ch.qos.l...
[ivy:retrieve] Host ivyrep.jayasoft.org not found. url=http://ivyrep.jayasoft.org/apache/commons-lang/ivy-2.1.xml [ivy:retrieve] Host www.ibiblio.org not found. url=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/commons-lang/jars/commons-lang-2.1.jar [ivy:retrieve] module not found: [ apache | commons...
错误信息:"Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'xxx'" 解决方法:这种错误通常是由于在升级过程中某些依赖项的路径或名称发生了变化导致的。可以尝试执行以下步骤来解决该问题: 检查错误信息中提到的模块路径或名称是否正确。 确保相关依赖项已正确安装并在package.json文件中声明。 如果依赖项的路径发生了变化,...
ng new ngx-doc 关于使用ng创建出的新项目报如下错: ERROR in node_modules/rxjs/internal/types.d....
Source File: ResolveEngine.java From ant-ivy with Apache License 2.0 4 votes private String getDependenciesFetchedKey(IvyNode node, String conf) { ModuleRevisionId moduleRevisionId = node.getResolvedId(); return moduleRevisionId.getOrganisation() + "|" + moduleRevisionId.getName...
Add an IvyIDEA facet for every module you have that uses ivy (if it was not autodetected already) and point it to the ivy.xml file for that module. You can now resolve your dependencies through the Tools > IvyIDEA Resolve menu or through the right click menu of the project explorer....
Resolve File Not Found Error in Intelligent Tests Workflow for Array … Apr 13, 2023 .idea nonzero is formatted correctly, made some formatting changes to argwh… Mar 30, 2023 automation_tools Change Collection to Ivy_tests_multi Apr 10, 2023 docker lintfixbot: Auto-commit fixed lint errors...
[syncRemoteRepositoriesResolve] :: problems summary :: [syncRemoteRepositoriesResolve] ::: WARNINGS [syncRemoteRepositoriesResolve] module not found: org.springframework.boot#spring-boot-starter-web;null [syncRemoteRepositoriesResolve] === MavenRepo: tried [syncRemoteRepositoriesResolve] http://repo1....