IBMStorage Manager DS3400管理界面 下载对应的管理软件,然后通过网线连接SAN设备的管理端口,在管理软件下还要通过设备自检搜索在SAN环境中连接的FC设备,(如果搜索不到请您手动输入配置光纤卡对应的WWN号)每个FC设备对应唯一的WWN号(一定程度上可以理解为是IP地址),然后把你需要使用存储空间的主机(对应看到的是WWN号)加...
●Supports storing pictures on Storage Server Event Management ●Supports camera linkage and multiple linkage actions ●Supports configuring up to 4 cameras as the linkage of one event, and supports playing back the videos or captured pictures of the cameras simultaneously when searching historical ...
The iVMS-4200 Series intelligent video management software (iVMS) provides abundant functionality that hits the target for small- to medium-sized businesses with features that include live feed viewing, playback, video recording, remote searching, data r
iVMS-4200 Intelligent Video Management System is a newly designed colligation software which includes not only HIKVISION NVR, DVR and IP camera management functions, but also compression card, decoder connection and setup functions. The software contains 5 subsystems: User Client, PC Storage Server,...
如图6.6所示6.6 双击桌面快捷方式图标,或进入安装 (默认为:\iVMS-4200\iVMS-4200Storage),打开 在电脑右下角任务栏中显示,表示服务器启动成功。 有的服务器,如图7.1所示。图7.1服务器界选 设备的某一 服务器点击,弹出添加设 框如图7.2所示图7.2服务器添加服务器添加完成后点击,进 服务 配置界面。如图7.3所示图...
Storage Server Stream Media Server Group Channel Storage Server Stream Media Server Live View Auxiliary Screen Preview Playback Synchronous Playback Downloading Recording Performance VOD Performance User iVMS-4200 VS Client Incoming/Outgoing Stream Supported Language iVMS-4200 VS SQLite (encrypted...
安装软件时,勾选安装存储服务器,与软件iVMS-4200安装在同一层目录下。 双击桌面快捷方式图标 ,或进入安装目录(默认为:\iVMS-4200\iVMS-4200 Storage ),打开存储 服务器。 在电脑右下角任务栏中显示 ,表示服务器启动成功。 7.1. 存储服务器添加 存储服务器启用后,控制面板中选择 ,进入设备管理界面,点击 则右侧...
Hikvision error code 23 is introduced when switching the recording template to “Event” on iVMS-4200 PC-NVR. This is the storage server version of the iVMS-4200, meaning the user is recording on his computer using the software (which is pulling the feed from the NVR/DVR or even directly...
安装软件时,勾选安装存储服务器,与软件iVMS-4200安装在同一层目录下。 双击桌面快捷方式图标 ,或进入安装目录(默认为:\iVMS-4200\iVMS-4200 Storage ),打开存储 服务器。 在电脑右下角任务栏中显示 ,表示服务器启动成功。 7.1. 存储服务器添加 存储服务器启用后,控制面板中选择 ,进入设备管理界面,点击 则右侧...
Server2008R2(64-bitsystem). OtherUpdates 1.Deviceport(8000asdefault)isconfigurableforivms-4200storageserver. ItcansolvetheportconflictproblemwhenrunthestorageserveronPC sometimes; 2.AddColorSchemeswhengenerateHeatMapinPicturemode; 3. Add Enter/Exit/Enter and Exit modifier when save the Counting, People...