leaving their lives as they knew them behind and flinging the ship930 years into the future, where the Federation is in some dire straits of its own (again). Now it seems it’s up to Michael and her friends to remind them of what the Federation has fought hard to stand for. ...
and some kind of lotion. She might have called it “butter” or something. Oh yeah, and salt from the Dead Sea. For scrubbing into your skin. To make it soft. It was just so fast. And she seemed so sincere and I thought she really liked me and I believed her when she said that...
something office lady dies suddenly in the middle of her office from overwork. A god, or angle, or some other supernatural being stands before her floating soul and tells her that she will be reincarnated into a new world. The ethereal asks her if there is an...
This is not related to the horror games by Frictional, but is an anime-style visual novel. I also didn't intend to buy this game, as it came in a bundle. I played enough of it to get the gist: a spirit of some kind has crashed into your mind and caused you to lose all of yo...