Whether you're brand new to playing the piano or you've been composing your own music for years, the I-vi-IV-V chord progression offers limitless possibilities. You can use any series of chords for the I-vi-IV-V chord progression. One of the most popular combinations is C major, A ...
第一部分见:丹东骨科张主任:格罗夫音乐词典条目:“调式(mode)”第一部分 (I-II.4) 第二部分见:丹东骨科张主任:格罗夫音乐词典条目:“调式(mode)”第二部分 (II.4-III.3) 第三部分见:丹东骨科张主任:格罗夫音乐词典条目:“调式(mode)”第三部分 (III.4-III.5) ...
Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of ii-V-I-IV jazz 2-5-1(-4) chord progression - MaxWegenerOfficial for ii-V-I-IV jazz 2-5-1(-4) chord progression arranged by MaxWegenerOfficial for Piano (Solo)