对于需要为化合物库生成名称或处理数百种结构以进行化合物注册的研究人员,我们提供 ACD/Name Batch 和 ACD/Name to Structure Batch。 一次性生成数千个结构的名称 选择不同的语言来生成IUPAC名称 处理SD文件中的文本文件和数据库 生成InChI 标识符 将生成的名称保存为.sdf .rtf 或 .txt 文件 适用于Windows 或L...
click a button, and generate the corresponding name or structure based on internationally accepted standard nomenclature rules—without having to memorize them. Generating names and structures this way not only saves time
可利用ChemDraw软件Structure下的Convert Structure to Name 2.利用 PubChemPy 软件包,该python软件包依赖PubChem数据库,通过PubChemPy发送的请求将提交至PubChem服务器处理。 安装PubChemPy pip install pubchempy 根据SMILES查询对应名称 import pubchempy as pcp def get_compound_name(smiles): # Search for the...
–IUPAC name: Trichloromethane Conclusion IUPAC nomenclature provides a systematic and standardized way to name chemical compounds. By following the rules outlined by the IUPAC, scientists can communicate effectively and accurately about the structure and composition of various chemical substances. This nami...
In conclusion, IUPAC nomenclature provides a standardized way of naming organic compounds based on their structure and functional groups. By following the rules outlined in this document, chemists can accurately and consistently name a wide range of organic compounds.©...
attemptstodefinepolymericsubstancesrigorouslyareimpractical; graphicalrepresentationandnomenclatureofpolymersthereforerequireadifferentapproach.Naminga polymerofpartlyknownorunknownstructurebythe“structure-basednomenclaturesystem”maybe difficultorimpossibleunlessassumptionsaremade;namingitbythe“source-basednomenclaturesystem” ...
IUPAC structure-based name: poly[(1-carboxyethylene)/[1-({1-carboxy-2-[4-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenoxy)-3,5-diiodophenyl]ethyl}carbamoyl)ethylene] (0.6:0.4 x) IUPAC source-based name: poly[(acrylic acid)-co-(N-acryolylthyroxine)](0.6:0.4 x) IUPAC chemical-modification name: poly[(...
(principalgroup) P-55Selectingpreferredretainednames P-56Selectingpreferredsubstituentgroupnames P-57Selectingpreferrednamesfortautomericcompounds P-58Nameconstruction CHAPTERP-6APPLICATIONSTOSPECIFICCLASSESOFCOMPOUNDS P-60Introduction P-61Substitutivenomenclature:prefixmode P-62Aminesandimines P-63Hydroxycompounds,...
(e.g., methyl from methane, ethyl from eth- formulas. A substituent group is deined by IUPAC as a group ane, etc.) are included here only for the irst few members of a that replaces one or more hydrogen atoms attached to a parent homologous series. structure. Such groups are ...
Learn about acetic acid, its structure, and its chemical properties, reactions, and uses. Related to this Question What is the structural formula for acetic acid? What is the IUPAC name for isopentyl acetate? What is the molecular formula for acetic acid?