烷烃的IUPAC命名 310000 NomenclatureofAlkanes IUPAC Rules @Yokie (CnH2n+2)Straight-ChainAlkanes MethaneEthanePropaneButanePentane OOOOO1 2 3 4 5 HexaneHeptaneOctaneNonaneDecane Condensedstructuralformula 2 CH4CH3CH3…CH3(CH2)8CH3 Branched-ChainAlkanes 1.Namethelongestpossiblestraightchaingivetheparent...
It is essential for you to know that higher alkenes are named by calculating the sum of carbons in the longest continuous chain comprising double or triple bond and adding an –ene suffix to the base name of the unbranched alkanes that possess that number of carbons. We will also study IU...