The meaning of IUD is a device inserted into and left in the uterus to prevent conception; specifically : a T-shaped device containing either progestin or copper that is inserted into and left in the uterus to prevent conception by blocking ovulation, th
Instead, an IUD is a contraceptive, meaning that it prevents conception in the first place. You could use a copper IUD as an emergency contraceptive right after you’ve had sex. But it’s still not an abortifacient because it works by preventing the sperm from fertilizing the egg. Some ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
The number of lawsuits against Teva have been growing in the past several years. Even if ParaGard has a low rate of severe complications, there is a large number of women who have received the device over the years, meaning that there can still be a large pool of potential claimants. Th...
yes. but the meaning behind it is what should frustrate everyone. with all of the threats to reproductive healthcare, women everywhere are feeling pressured to get long acting contraception. a lot of docs won't even provide iuds if you haven't had children. it's very stupid. so women fee...
'Why I Posted A TikTok About My IUD Appointment' How To Be On Birth Control (Or Not) The 8 Best Websites To Get Birth Control Online Wait, Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With An IUD? 8 Uses For The Pill Other Than Birth Control...