1963年,世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List of Threatened Species)开始编制,是迄今全球动植物物种保护现状最全面的名录,也被认为是生物多样性状况最具权威的指标之一。 一个物种在濒危物种红色名录的分类等级决定了其保护程度以及未来灭绝的可能性。世界动物保护协会等很多机构经常借鉴红色名录的标准来分析判...
近日,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)发布受威胁物种红色名录物种信息更新。根据专家评估,欧洲体型最大的陆生哺乳动物 – 欧洲野牛(Bison bonasus)得益于良好的保护力度,濒危等级由易危(Vulnerable)调整为近危(Near Threatened);本次有31个物种调整为灭绝(Extinct);全球所有淡水豚类面临灭绝风险。 IUCN总干事Bruno Oberle表示,在...
3. 极危CE(CriticallyEndangered)、濒危EN(Endangered)、易危VU(Vulnerable)三个分类均属于“受威胁(threatened)”的范畴,具体划割有量化的标准,将在后文进一步说明。 4. 近危NT( Near Threatened):该物种在现时点不被划分为受威胁,但可能非常接近被划分为受威胁的标准;或该物种在现时点不符合受威胁的标准,但如...
In endangered species: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species …1,000 individuals, or other factors Near Threatened (NT), species that are close to becoming threatened or may meet the criteria for threatened status in the near future Least Concern (LC), a category containing species that are perv...
With so much to lose, inland waters must be managed not just for their supply of freshwater but also to sustain the abundant life within.IUCN Red List Percent OfAbout the Iucn Red List of Threatened Species™
该结果表明,白鲨种群正面临一定的威胁,需要全球性的关注与保护。上面的表格显示了白鲨(Carcharodon carcharias)的种群变化百分比以及属于IUCN红色名录分类的后验概率。这些分类包括无危(Least Concern, LC)、近危(Near Threatened, NT)、易危(Vulnerable, VU)、濒危(Endangered, EN)和极度濒危(Critically ...
近危 Near Threatened(NT)当一分类单元未达到极危、濒危或者易危标准,但是在未来一段时间后,接近符合...
Near threatened (NT) – Likely to become endangered soon. Least concern (LC) – Lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at-risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category. Data deficient (DD) – Not enough data to assess its risk of extinction. Not evaluated (...
According to the IUCN Red List, 32, 000 species are threatened with extinction Although we might be working hard to help some species come back from the brink, we might also be eating some threatened species without even realizing it.Searching industrial fishing records, researchers identified almo...
According to the IUCN Red List 32, 000 species are threatened with extinction. Although we might be working hard to help some species come back from the brink (边缘), we might also be eating some threatened species without even realising it. Searching industrial fishing records, researchers iden...